Words by Liz Powles
At dawn (9am) a Scout named Elvis from C048 came out of his unit and stood on his mighty milk crate holding his descriptive sign that reads ‘this is a sign’. This ancient sign comes from the last Australian Jamboree in 2019 and became famous after being shown for a whole minute on the big screen. It has now journeyed to the 26th Australian Jamboree.
Not long after the sighting of the ‘this is a sign’ sign, Noah from unit C060 decided enough is enough, grabbed the nearest box and permanent marker, and wrote out in big red and black letters ‘this is not a sign’.
Grabbing his mighty milk crate Noah stands across from Elvis, holding his ‘this is not a sign’ sign. Later in the morning, another sign was added at their feet. It read in bold letters ‘That is not a sign’, taking the conflict to the next level. They were then quickly joined by an umbrella wielding super Scout who assisted in keeping both mighty sign holders dry from the rain.
Two hours later, after attracting some attention for their seemingly silent battle, they decided to make peace (the rain coming may have had something to do with it). An unexpected hug between the two Scouts left the crowd happy for resolution. As 11am passed, the time came for the AJ2025 Scouts to go back to running their market stalls as calm rushed over the street.