Words by Freya Hellstrom
Despite the many months of leadup to the Jamboree, hundreds of youth members always find themselves frantically scrambling in the two days before they leave to get their bags packed and ready to go. This reoccurring phenomenon (pro-PACK-stinating) has left many Scouts over the years without a pillow – or a spare pair of undies!
To the supreme annoyance of my parents, I left packing my bag until the night before. The result of which being that I left the house without any tent pegs. I had to substitute sticks and boots until someone else was kind enough to lend me their spares. Because of this, I decided to find out what things other people had forgotten, and these are some of my favourites.
To the general unhappiness of his Unit, Scout “Stinky-Malinki”, forgot deodorant and decided cologne would be a good replacement. I’ve been told not to approach the tent for the sake of my own nostrils. Similarly, a Scout “Sudsie McGee” forgot shampoo, conditioner, and a towel, which I’m sure will provide for an interesting shower experience. Anastasia (C008) forgot old clothes for the mud run, but I’m sure that won’t stop her from finding a way to participate anyway.
Ethan (C047) left behind his phone, and will have to hold off on checking his socials for a whole 12 days (Gasp! Shock! Horror!). Grace (C034) didn’t forget anything but has already managed to lose one of her shoes, whereas Scout “Harry-High-Pants” left all but one pair of pants at home. I’m especially worried for the seven Scouts who all told me they arrived on site without their sanity.
Lexi (T053) informed me that she was very sadly unable to bring her two dogs, Abby and Buddy, just as Jade (C003) was forced to leave behind her two cats, Tux and Comet. Thousands of other Scouts had to leave behind their animal friends, and my heart goes out to every single one of them. I can’t wait to see my own cat, Tabby.
Finally, many Units headed towards the site missing something (matches, mallets, buckets, etc.) but the absolute best one is the Unit without any cutlery – and not a single fork to give.