Words by Tyler 'Crash' Stark
Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM, State Governor and Chief Scout of Queensland, graced us with her presence in the opening days of the 26th Australian Jamboree, AJ2025.

The Governor first arrived onsite on the afternoon of 6 January 2025 for a VIP function prior to the Opening Ceremony. Camp Chief Geoff Doo said a few words in anticipation of the life changing adventure thousands of Scouts and Venturer's were about to embark on.
“There will be challenges,” he said. “The attendees here will be more resilient, and better off as a result.”
Just as the Governor General opened the first Australian Jamboree in 1934, Her Excellency the Governor officially opened AJ2025.
“You will take part in an incredible range of activities, challenge yourselves to try something you never have before, learn new skills, and be endlessly inspired,” the Governor said.

Her Excellency returned for the first day of activities and enjoyed a tour of the site. This included visiting the Medical Centre, which was of particular interest to her as the former Chief Health Officer of Queensland. The Governor also toured the Jamboree Executive Committee and Media offices before exploring some of the activity bases, including Your Action and Your Summit.

“I can see why Scouts come back to Jamboree after Jamboree, it's been really good fun,” the Governor said. “In the pioneering area, I can't believe how they make those structures so stable! I got to climb up one and go along a rope bridge, it was really fantastic, but I wasn't brave enough for the chariot race.”

To end the first official day of Our Quests, Unit C065 had the great honour of hosting the Governor for dinner in their campsite, followed by a visit to Unit C048, but this wasn't goodbye for Her Excellency.

On Wednesday, 8 January, 2025, Her Excellency joined a lucky group of Scouts on their off-site activity, Your Seaside, in the picturesque Hervey Bay on the Fraser Coast. The Governor had a wonderful time, engaging with many of our young Scouts and partaking in our time honoured tradition of badge swapping.

“I think it's important to be a part of a team, but to really enjoy it. I think that you learn the best when you enjoy what you're doing,” her Excellency said, reflecting on the value of Scouting for young people. “Here the Scouts are learning so much about the importance of being part of a strong team and the role each person plays, the importance of leadership, and also I'm so glad that it's outdoors.”

“You've got the opportunity to talk to scouts from across the world, so take it. Even if language is a bit difficult or culture is different, the activities can bring the kids together.”

We are incredibly honoured to have the Governor officially open the event at the Opening Ceremony and humbled to show her around our new home.