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Possible Shower




14 January 2025 Only.


Due to the conditions of the site for Your Adventure, we have made the decision to relocate the activity. 

We are planning to run the following reduced Your Adventure Program tomorrow:

  1. Trail Cycling - Using the Wetlands Mountain Bike Trail and Nature Walk

  2. Laser Tag

  3. Archery Tag 


Scouts will still meet at the original location near gate F.


  • Morning Rotation 09:30 to 12:30 (one hour per activity)

  • Afternoon Rotation 13:30 to 16:30  (one hour per activity)

Amended rotations:

  • Pioneering & Explorer - Trail Cycling, Laser Tag, Archery Tag

  • Adventurer & Hero - Laser Tag, Archery Tag, Trail Cycling

  • Quest & Courage - Archery Tag, Trail Cycling, Laser Tag


The Scout Shop closes Wednesday at 3pm - Don't miss out!

Additionally, The Scout Shop is running a "Pre Loved" sale. This includes all the items purchased for AJ, which will be ready for pickup on Wednesday. Check out the list here:

​​​​The Jamboree Awards have been delivered to Sub Camps this afternoon. Each Unit is to arrange collection from the Sub Camp HQ.


Each Package contains one medallion for each youth member, they then (as per the instructions attached and issued with the passports earlier in the Jamboree), are to use their collected items such as beads, cord and leather or timber discs to create their own custom lanyard for their medallion. They could equally create a keyring or a bracelet, it is really up to them.


Each Line leader and Assistant Line leader has been provided a kit so that you too can customise your award, or better still have the youth do this for you.


Have fun, enjoy and congratulations on completing your Jamboree Award.

For more info, click here.



Our final day together has arrived, and it is pack up day.

We have been blessed with sunshine over the last few days which I hope has dried your tentage, and campsite to allow at least a dry pack up.

I enjoyed a lovely meal with ACT “That Circus” CO12 last night.

AJ’s Got Talent finals last night were amazing, and the judges determine Miles from Victoria C031 was the winner with a wonderful rendition of “electricity” from Billy Elliott. All the finalists did themselves and their Units proud. BRAVO all.

It has been an absolute pleasure to meet so many of your over the last 10 days at AJ2025.

On behalf of Queensland Branch thank you for joining us for this Jamboree, it has been our honour and pleasure to host you at Maryborough for AJ2025.

Over the Jamboree I have met and spoken to thousands of Youth Members and Leaders, and everyone single person has indicated what a fantastic time they have had at AJ2025. Our theme of “Your Quest Your Way” was to provide choice for Youth Members at this Jamboree.

The firm commitment of our Unit Leaders, Service Leaders, Contingents, and all support personnel in the many roles allowed us to achieve that goal.

Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

Please travel safely home whether that be across Australia or the world.

Take with you the strength of the Scouting spirit shared at this Jamboree and seek to enhance it in your Scout Group. Share the memories of your experience with your friends and family.

Work hard to continue the friendships established at AJ2025 and believe me they will last you a lifetime!

I look forward to seeing you all at the closing ceremony tonight where we will officially close AJ2025.


Camp Chief



- Cereal, toast & savoury mince

- Cereal, toast, spaghetti & hashbrown

- Cereal, toast, yoghurt & berries


- Chicken & salad sandwich/wrap

- Roast beef & salad sandwich/wrap

- Silverside & salad sandwich/wrap


- BBQ hamburger, sausages & potato salad


- Apple pie with custard

- Lemon cake with whipped cream

- White chocolate & raspberry cake



7:00PM: Closing Ceremony

Click here for the full Your Entertainment schedule


Tuesday 14 January

17:00 - 18:00 - Your Action - Laser Tag and Hatchet Throwing

Capacity limit at 60 people

Wednesday 15 January

08:00 - 08:30 - Your Summit - Mobility Zipline and Abseil (invitation only)

08:30 - 11:00 - Your Summit - Service Leaders and Venturer Service Leaders


For those heading to Australia Zoo, please do not take your water pistols/guns with you. They will be confiscated. Additionally, Leaders attending Australia Zoo, either as line Leaders in support roles or Leaders on your day off, you must wear your lanyard to enter and exit the Zoo grounds, this is essentially your ticket.


The following sections have been updated in the handbook:

  • 7.5.2 Your Adventure

  • 2.2. Site Map (updated 5 January 2025)

  • 5.2 Identification (updated 5 January 2025)

  • 7.4.2. Your Seaside (updated 8 January 2025)

  • 7.5.2. Your Adventure (updated 8 January 2025)

  • 10.1.1. Leader Tours (9 January 2025)

  • 7.4.1. Your Attraction (9 January 2025)

Your Seaside
Please check the handbook for what you need to wear and bring, but in particular please remember to bring:

  • Sun safe and appropriate beachwear (including a long sleeved shirt or rashie)

  • Hat

  • Water activity shoes to protect their feet on hard surfaces

  • Drink Bottle (full) - to be carried with you as bags cannot be taken onto the beach

  • AJ2025 Passport and ID Tag - please place passports in a zip lock bag to hand into registration. 


Your Adventure


  • Morning Session: Please arrive at 07:45am for a 08:30am start

  • Afternoon Session: Please arrive at 12:45am for a 13:30am start

Your Attraction:

  • Please check the handbook for what you need to wear and bring, but in particular please remember to wear your AJ2025 Jamboree Shirt. 

For more information, check out the handbook. Here are some links to key activities.


AJ2025 Badge.png

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The 26th Australian Jamboree will be held on the land of the Butchulla (Badtjala) and the Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) people. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Australia’s first people, and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

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Torres Strait Islanders Flag.png
Copyright © 2025 | 26th Australian Jamboree. All rights reserved. Created by Bjorn.
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