Caravans, Motorhomes, Camper Trailers
The Jamboree Executive Committee have considered the opportunity to permit certain participants to bring a caravan, motorhome or camper trailer with them to the AJ2025 site.
Historically there are many concerns with such vehicles being permitted and therefore a specific criteria set has been developed, which needs careful review before considering to apply for permission to bring one of these vehicles to the Jamboree.
There are also many known positives, especially for personnel who will be on-site for long periods of time pre and post the core Jamboree dates.
The AJ2025 site has the capacity to accommodate a number of these vehicles in the Leader Only accessible area of the site.
Who Can Apply:
Jamboree Executive Committee Directors, Assistant Directors and Managers. Other personnel invited to review this website page by a JEC Director.
Applications Deadline:
All applications for this opportunity must be submitted via the below form by 30 September 2024.
The Chief Director has the final say related to all applications. No one is guaranteed this opportunity.
The result of all applications will be made known via email during October 2024 and thereafter a permit and policy pack will be distributed via hard mail in November 2024.
Further Information:
If you would like further information or to withdraw a submitted application - please email to dir.safetrans@aj2025.com.au
JEC Directors, Assistant Directors and Managers wishing to bring a caravan, motorhome or camper trailer must register their intent via the online form by 30 September 2024. These requests will be reviewed and approved or declined by the Chief Director.
Any invited support leaders (not accommodated in Unit Lines or Contingent HQ’s) wishing to bring a caravan, motorhome or camper trailer must register their intent via the online form by 30 September 2024. These requests will be reviewed and authorised/declined by the appropriate Contingent Leader before further being approved or declined by the Chief Director.
Approval for a caravan, motorhome or camper trailer to be used on-site resides solely with the Chief Director.
Those permitted will be allocated to a space and may or may not have access to power and water however, no waste connection will be provided and grey water may not be disposed on the ground.
Vehicles towing a caravan or camper trailer will not be parked together. All vehicles will be removed to Gate C long term parking once the caravan or camper trailer is in place.
All criteria and movement timelines will be set within the SafeTrans manual.
Depending on the allocated location, additional criteria may be set by the SafeTrans Directorate and will be advised directly to approved applicants.
Unit sites are only permitted equipment trailers to be delivered in advance and removed after the final coach movements on departure day when the roads open up.
Caravans, motorhomes or camper trailers (other than commercial ones eg coffee van) are not permitted anywhere else on the site without the express permission of the Chief Director or Director SafeTrans.
Generators or petrol driven devices are not permitted to be utilised at any point whilst on the Jamboree site.
Cassette toilets are not to be used. The dump point on the site is closed during the Jamboree. All approved persons must use the amenities on the Jamboree site.
Approved participants will receive a policy document in November 2024 along with a permit for their vehicle from the SafeTrans Directorate, which outlines specific detail with regard to their approval.
A behaviour policy will also be distributed to ensure that any shared accommodation (eg husband and wife) meets with Scouting standards and expectations.
The contravening of any policy may result in the removal of the vehicles from the site by the SafeTrans Directorate and or the removal of the participants.